Package-level declarations


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An enum class that represents the authentication mode of a Wi-Fi network.

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This enum class represents the encryption mode of a Wi-Fi network.

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data class Error(val t: Throwable) : NetworkState

Error is a data class that represents the error state of the network.

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data object Loading : NetworkState

Loading is a class that represents the loading state of the network.

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sealed interface NetworkState

NetworkState is a sealed interface that holds the different network states.

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data class Success(val data: List<ScanResult>) : NetworkState

Success is a data class that represents the success state of the network.

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data class WifiData(val ssid: String, val password: String?, val macAddress: String?, val authType: AuthenticationMode, val encryptionMode: EncryptionMode) : Parcelable

WifiData is a data class that holds the Wi-Fi data.