Package-level declarations


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An exception that is thrown when the SoftAp manager fails to bind to the connected SoftAP network.

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data class HostNameConfiguration(val serviceName: String = "wifiprov", val hostName: String = "https://wifiprov.local/", val certificate: String = CERTIFICATE)

Host name configuration contains the hostname of the SoftAP provisioning service.

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NetworkServiceDiscoveryListener that would listen to the network service discovery events.

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An exception that is thrown when the SoftAp manager loses connectivity from the SoftAP.

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data class SoftAp(val ssid: String, val passphraseConfiguration: PassphraseConfiguration)

WifiDevice class represents a Wi-Fi network that the device should connect to.

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sealed class SoftApException : Exception

An exception that is thrown when the SoftAP provisioning fails.

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class SoftApManager(context: Context, hostNameConfiguration: HostNameConfiguration = HostNameConfiguration())

Entry point to the SoftApManager.

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Created by Roshan Rajaratnam on 19/02/2024.

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An exception that is thrown when the SoftAp manager fails to connect to the SoftAP network.

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An exception that is thrown when the WiFi is not enabled.

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data class Wpa2Passphrase(val passphrase: String) : PassphraseConfiguration
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data class Wpa3Passphrase(val passphrase: String) : PassphraseConfiguration