Package-level declarations


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sealed interface BleAdvertisingEvent

Event class which maps AdvertisingSetCallback methods into data classes. On Android before O some of those values are emulated.

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An advertise process status.

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data class OnAdvertisingDataSet(val advertisingSet: AdvertisingSet, val status: BleAdvertisingStatus) : BleAdvertisingEvent

Event emitted in response to AdvertisingSet.setAdvertisingData indicating result of the operation. If status is BleAdvertisingStatus.ADVERTISE_SUCCESS, then data was changed.

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data class OnAdvertisingEnabled(val advertisingSet: AdvertisingSet, val enable: Boolean, val status: BleAdvertisingStatus) : BleAdvertisingEvent

Event emitted in response to BluetoothLeAdvertiser.startAdvertisingSet indicating result of the operation. If status is BleAdvertisingStatus.ADVERTISE_SUCCESS, then advertising set is advertising.

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data class OnAdvertisingParametersUpdated(val advertisingSet: AdvertisingSet, val txPower: Int, val status: BleAdvertisingStatus) : BleAdvertisingEvent

Event emitted in response to AdvertisingSet.setAdvertisingParameters indicating result of the operation.

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data class OnAdvertisingSetStarted(val advertisingSet: AdvertisingSet?, val txPower: Int, val status: BleAdvertisingStatus) : BleAdvertisingEvent

Event emitted in response to BluetoothLeAdvertiser.startAdvertisingSet indicating result of the operation. If status is BleAdvertisingStatus.ADVERTISE_SUCCESS, then advertisingSet contains the started set and it is advertising. If error occurred, advertisingSet is null, and status will be set to proper error code.

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Event emitted in response to BluetoothLeAdvertiser.stopAdvertisingSet indicating advertising set is stopped.

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Event emitted in response to AdvertisingSet.setPeriodicAdvertisingData indicating result of the operation.

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data class OnPeriodicAdvertisingEnabled(val advertisingSet: AdvertisingSet, val enable: Boolean, val status: BleAdvertisingStatus) : BleAdvertisingEvent

Event emitted in response to AdvertisingSet.setPeriodicAdvertisingEnabled indicating result of the operation.

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Event emitted in response to AdvertisingSet.setPeriodicAdvertisingParameters indicating result of the operation.

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data class OnScanResponseDataSet(val advertisingSet: AdvertisingSet, val status: BleAdvertisingStatus) : BleAdvertisingEvent

Event emitted in response to AdvertisingSet.setAdvertisingData indicating result of the operation.