Package-level declarations


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data class BleAdvertisingConfig(val settings: BleAdvertisingSettings = BleAdvertisingSettings(), val advertiseData: BleAdvertisingData? = null, val scanResponseData: BleAdvertisingData? = null)

A class for BLE advertisement configuration.

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data class BleAdvertisingData(val serviceUuid: ParcelUuid? = null, val includeDeviceName: Boolean? = null, val includeTxPowerLever: Boolean? = null, val manufacturerData: List<ManufacturerData> = emptyList(), val serviceData: List<ServiceData> = emptyList(), val serviceSolicitationUuid: ParcelUuid? = null)

Advertise data packet container for Bluetooth LE advertising. This represents the data to be advertised as well as the scan response data for active scans.

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Advertising interval which is tightly correlated with power consumption. A helper class which is a wrapper around Native Android API. It unifies parameters between different Android versions.

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data class BleAdvertisingSettings(val txPowerLevel: BleTxPowerLevel? = null, val includeTxPower: Boolean? = null, val interval: BleAdvertisingInterval? = null, val connectable: Boolean = true, val timeout: Int = 0, val deviceName: String? = null, val anonymous: Boolean? = null, val legacyMode: Boolean = false, val primaryPhy: BleGattPrimaryPhy? = null, val secondaryPhy: BleGattPhy? = null, val scannable: Boolean? = false)

The class provide a way to adjust advertising preferences for each Bluetooth LE advertisement instance.

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Tx (transmitting) power level. A helper class which is a wrapper around Native Android API. It unifies parameters between different Android versions.

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data class ManufacturerData(val id: Int, val data: DataByteArray)

A helper class which groups manufacturer id and it's data.

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data class ServiceData(val uuid: ParcelUuid, val data: DataByteArray, val mask: DataByteArray? = null)

A helper class which groups service id and it's data.