Package-level declarations
Set filter on advertising data with specific advertising data type.
Returns the primary Physical Layer on which this advertisment was received.
Sets the number of matches for Bluetooth LE scan filters hardware match.
The data status.
BLE scanner filter. It is used to filter BleScanResult obtained from BleScanner.
Enum class representing available scan modes for BLE scanning.
Defines callback type for Bluetooth LE scan.
Set match mode (BleScannerMatchMode) for Bluetooth LE scan filters hardware match.
Set the Physical Layer to use during this scan.
Data class that offers configuration parameters for a scanner.
Represents a scan record from Bluetooth LE scan.
Class containing a scan result grouped with an advertising device.
ScanResult for Bluetooth LE scan.
Class containing all scan results grouped with an advertising device.
A helper class which groups manufacturer id and it's data.
A helper class which groups service id, it's data and mask. Used as a scanning filter.
Set filter on partial service Solicitation uuid.
Filter on service uuid.