Package-level declarations
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Class representing BLE device. It can be either mocked or native variant.
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Class representing BLE client device. It can be either mocked or native variant.
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data class MockClientDevice(val name: String? = "CLIENT", val address: String = "11:22:33:44:55:66", val bondState: BondState = BondState.NONE) : ClientDevice, Parcelable
Class representing mocked BLE server device. It is independent from native Android API. It's good for testing or local connection.
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data class MockServerDevice(val name: String? = "SERVER", val address: String = "11:22:33:44:55:66", val bondState: BondState = BondState.NONE) : ServerDevice, Parcelable
Class representing mocked BLE server device. It is independent from native Android API. It's good for testing or local connection.
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Class representing real BLE client device. It is a wrapper around native BluetoothDevice.
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Class representing real BLE server device. It is a wrapper around native BluetoothDevice.
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Class representing BLE server device. It can be either mocked or native variant. It can be connected to using ClientBleGatt`.