Nordic Thingy:52 v2.2.0
ble_tcs.h File Reference

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Data Structures

struct  ble_tcs_init_t
 Thingy Configuration Service initialization structure. More...
struct  ble_tcs_s
 Thingy Configuration Service structure. More...


#define BLE_UUID_TCS_SERVICE   0x0100


typedef void(* ble_tcs_evt_handler_t) (ble_tcs_t *p_tcs, ble_tcs_evt_type_t evt_type, uint8_t *p_data, uint16_t length)
 Thingy Configuration Service event handler type.


uint32_t ble_tcs_init (ble_tcs_t *p_tcs, const ble_tcs_init_t *p_tcs_init)
 Function for initializing the Thingy Configuration Service. More...
uint32_t ble_tcs_mtu_set (ble_tcs_t *p_tcs, ble_tcs_mtu_t *p_data)
 Function for setting the MTU char data. More...
uint32_t ble_tcs_nfc_set (ble_tcs_t *p_tcs, ble_tcs_nfc_t *p_data)
 Function for setting the NFC char data. More...
void ble_tcs_on_ble_evt (ble_tcs_t *p_tcs, ble_evt_t *p_ble_evt)
 Function for handling the Thingy Configuration Service's BLE events. More...