
This section lists some common errors and possible solutions to them.


Error code -22

If you see this error code, verify the client ID, the endpoint, and the certificates.

getaddrinfo, error -11

<err> aws_iot: getaddrinfo, error -11
<err> aws_iot: client_broker_init, error: -10

If you see this error, verify that your SIM did not run out of data.

Error code -128

<err> aws_iot: Cloud MQTT input error: -128

If you see this error code, verify that you have a policy attached to the thing group in the AWS IoT console.

Cellular connection

Since 5G support is currently being deployed by mobile phone network operators, there is a high chance of connection issues in your location.

Try multiple SIM cards from different vendors if you experience connectivity issues.



This error occurs if the network provider does not grant Power Saving Mode (PSM) and the GNSS takes a long time to acquire a fix. For more details, see the DevZone post related to the GNSS and LTE issue.

Try switching to a SIM card that grants PSM.

Alternatively, use the nRF Cloud Assisted GPS Location Service to speed up the time to fix.

GNSS timeout configuration

If the nRF Cloud Assisted GPS Location Service is not used, it can take a long time to acquire a GNSS fix. Therefore, select a timeout of at least 1000 seconds in the web application.