Run the device simulator UI

To run the device simulator User Interface (UI), complete the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the working directory.

  2. Clone the device simulator UI and install the dependencies:

    git clone --branch v1.5.x --single-branch \ simulator-ui
    cd simulator-ui
    npm ci
  3. Start the development server of the device simulator UI:

    npm start
    Device simulator UI development server

    Device simulator UI development server

    The command launches a browser with http://localhost:8080 in the address bar as shown in the following image:

    Device simulator UI

    Device simulator UI

    The device simulator UI loads in the browser.

  4. Create a new device for use with the simulator by generating a new device certificate:

    cd ~/nrf-asset-tracker/aws
    # Create a new certificate
    node cli create-device-cert
  5. After executing the above command, copy the endpoint printed from npm exec -- @nordicsemiconductor/asset-tracker-cloud-device-simulator-aws "</path/to/certificate.json>" (for example, http://localhost:25336) and use it in the device simulator UI.

    As shown in the following image, the UI connects to the simulator, which is run through the CLI:

    Device simulator UI connected