Building the project using your local system

Before building the project using your local system, complete the following steps:

  1. Prepare your system

  2. Clone the project and install the dependencies

  3. Configure the project

Prepare your system

Follow the Getting Started Guide of the nRF Connect SDK to set up your system for building the project. Follow the instructions on Installing the nRF Connect SDK.

Clone the project and install the dependencies

Create a folder, for example, ncs and initialize the project by running the following commands:

cd ./ncs
sudo pip3 install -U --pre west
west init -m \
    --mr saga firmware
west update
sudo pip3 install -r zephyr/scripts/requirements.txt
sudo pip3 install pc_ble_driver_py
sudo pip3 install -r nrf/scripts/requirements.txt
sudo pip3 install -r mcuboot/scripts/requirements.txt
source zephyr/

Configure the project

Follow the configuration instructions for the firmware and update the prj.conf file.

Build the project

Navigate to the ./ncs/firmware directory and build the project for your nRF9160-based device.

Thingy:91 (PCA20035)

west build -p always -b thingy91_nrf9160ns

nRF9160 DK (PCA10090)

west build -p always -b nrf9160_pca10090ns

Location of the HEX file

The built HEX file will be located in ./ncs/firmware/build/zephyr/merged.hex.