Unwired Labs API

You can enable the cell geolocation lookup for the application using Unwired Labs’ geolocation API in your deployment.

To use Unwired Labs’ LocationAPI, provide the unwiredlabsApiKey parameter when deploying the solution:

 az deployment group create \
     --resource-group ${RESOURCE_GROUP:-nrfassettracker} \
     --mode Complete \
     --name enable-unwiredlabs \
     --template-file azuredeploy.json      --parameters \
         appName=${APP_NAME:-nrfassettracker} \
         appRegistrationClientId=$APP_REG_CLIENT_ID \
         b2cTenant=${B2C_TENANT:-nrfassettrackerusers} \
         unwiredlabsApiKey=*your API key*

This command enables the geolocateCellFromUnwiredLabs function to resolve cells. Otherwise, this function returns a 402 status on the API route cellgeolocation/unwired.


Unwired Lab’s LocationAPI is free for low volumes. However, OpenCellid allows to use the underlying dataset for free. If you find it relevant, vote in the Integrate OpenCelliD data issue.