Install the Azure CLI

To install the Azure CLI, follow the instructions in the Azure CLI documentation. After installing the CLI, you can execute the az command:

az --version
# ...
# azure-cli 2.24.0
# ...

Create the az alias when using Docker

The installation instructions expect that you run the az command from the current directory. Therefore, you need to create an alias, when using the dockerized Azure CLI.

  1. Copy the script to an executable file in your path, for example ~/bin/az:

    #!/usr/bin/env bash 
    set -eu
    docker run --rm --volume `pwd`:/root \
        --volume $HOME/.azure:/root/.azure \
        -w=/root \
        az $command
  2. Make sure that you can call it using az (the folder ~/bin needs to be in your $PATH). This enables you to execute az when using the dockerized Azure CLI.

  3. Log in again to continue with the next step:

    az login