Continuous deployment

You can automatically deploy all changes that you make to a fork of the nRF Asset Tracker for Azure.


It is optional to keep the deployment in your Azure account automatically synchronized with your fork’s source code repository.

Fork the nRF Asset Tracker repositories

To enable continuous deployment, complete the following steps:

  1. Fork the nRF Asset Tracker for Azure repository.

  2. Fork the nRF Asset Tracker web application repository.

  3. Update the deploy.webApp.repository in the package.json file of your nRF Asset Tracker for Azure fork. It must point to the repository URL of your fork of the nRF Asset Tracker web application.

Authenticate GitHub Actions against Azure using OpenID Connect

To allow the continuous deployment GitHub Action workflow to authenticate against Azure with short-lived credentials using a service principal, complete the following steps:

  1. Follow the instructions to Configure a service principal with a Federated Credential to use OIDC based authentication. Use https://nrfassettracker.invalid/cd as the name.

    On the command line, use the following commands:

    az ad app create --display-name 'https://nrfassettracker.invalid/cd'
    export APPLICATION_OBJECT_ID=`az ad app list | jq -r '.[] | select(.displayName=="https://nrfassettracker.invalid/cd") | .id' | tr -d '\n'`
    az rest --method POST --uri "${APPLICATION_OBJECT_ID}/federatedIdentityCredentials" --body '{"name":"GitHub Actions","issuer":"","subject":"repo:NordicSemiconductor/asset-tracker-cloud-azure-js:environment:production","description":"Allow GitHub Actions to modify Azure resources","audiences":["api://AzureADTokenExchange"]}'

    Use the organization and repository name of your fork instead of NordicSemiconductor/asset-tracker-cloud-azure-js in the command.

  2. Set the secrets:

    • Set the secrets using the GitHub UI:

      Set the following secrets to an environment called production in your fork of the nRF Asset Tracker for Azure:

      • AZURE_CLIENT_ID - Store the application (client) ID of the service principal app registration created in the previous step.

      • AZURE_TENANT_ID - Store the directory (tenant) ID of the service principal app registration created in the previous step.

      • AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID - Store the ID of the subscription containing the nRF Asset Tracker resources.

      Set also the following values from your .envrc file as secrets:


      • LOCATION

      • APP_NAME

      • B2C_TENANT


      If you have enabled the Unwired Labs Cell Geolocation, add your API key UNWIRED_LABS_API_KEY as a secret as well.

    • Alternatively, set the secrets using the GitHub CLI:

      You can use the GitHub CLI with the environment settings from above (make sure to create the production deployment environment in your repository first):

    export AZURE_CLIENT_ID=`az ad app list | jq -r '.[] | select(.displayName=="https://nrfassettracker.invalid/cd") | .appId' | tr -d '\n'`
    export AZURE_TENANT_ID=`az ad sp show --id ${AZURE_CLIENT_ID} | jq -r '.appOwnerOrganizationId' | tr -d '\n'`
    gh secret set AZURE_CLIENT_ID --env production --body "${AZURE_CLIENT_ID}"
    gh secret set AZURE_TENANT_ID --env production --body "${AZURE_TENANT_ID}"
    gh secret set AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID --env production --body "${SUBSCRIPTION_ID}"
    gh secret set RESOURCE_GROUP --env production --body "${RESOURCE_GROUP}"
    gh secret set LOCATION --env production --body "${LOCATION}"
    gh secret set APP_NAME --env production --body "${APP_NAME}"
    gh secret set B2C_TENANT --env production --body "${B2C_TENANT}"
    gh secret set APP_REG_CLIENT_ID --env production --body "${APP_REG_CLIENT_ID}"
  3. Grant the application created in step 1 Owner permissions for your resource group:

    export AZURE_CLIENT_ID=`az ad app list | jq -r '.[] | select(.displayName=="https://nrfassettracker.invalid/cd") | .appId' | tr -d '\n'`
    az role assignment create --role Owner \
       --assignee ${AZURE_CLIENT_ID} \
       --scope /subscriptions/${SUBSCRIPTION_ID}/resourceGroups/${RESOURCE_GROUP:-nrfassettracker}
  4. Grant the application created in step 1 “Key Vault Secrets Officer” rights to the KeyVault:

    export AZURE_CLIENT_ID=`az ad app list | jq -r '.[] | select(.displayName=="https://nrfassettracker.invalid/cd") | .appId' | tr -d '\n'`
    az role assignment create --role "Key Vault Secrets Officer" \
       --assignee ${AZURE_CLIENT_ID} \
       --scope /subscriptions/${SUBSCRIPTION_ID}/resourceGroups/${RESOURCE_GROUP:-nrfassettracker}/providers/Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/${APP_NAME:-nrfassettracker}

Trigger a deployment

Commit a change to your fork to trigger a deployment.

Check the status of the continuous deployment

To check the status of the continuous deployment after making the changes, navigate to the Actions tab of your fork. You can see a workflow run of the Continuous Deployment action:

GitHub Actions workflow run of Continuous Deployment

GitHub Actions workflow run of Continuous Deployment

More information

For more details about how GitHub Actions uses OIDC, read About security hardening with OpenID Connect in the GitHub Actions documentation.