Connect using the simulator

The CLI provides a software implementation of a nRF9160-based asset tracker for testing purposes. It allows the verification of the cloud configuration. This feature is also used for testing the nRF Asset Tracker using continuous integration.

To connect to a device and control the device using the simulator, complete the following steps:

  • Create certificates for the device.

  • Run the device simulator.

  • Use the device simulator UI to control the simulated device.

Creating certificates for the device

To create certificates for a simulated device, run the following command:

./ create-simulator-cert

Running the device simulator

To run a simulated device using the generated certificate, run the following command:

 npm exec -- @nordicsemiconductor/asset-tracker-cloud-device-simulator-aws \

The device simulator will print an endpoint to use with the device simulator UI.

Using the device simulator UI

The device-ui project provides a browser-based UI to control the simulated device.

Device simulator UI

Device simulator UI

Clone the project and install dependencies

Clone the device-ui project and install the dependencies:

git clone --branch v2.2.x --single-branch \ device-ui
cd device-ui
npm ci

Run the device simulator UI

To run the device simulator UI, use the following command:

npm start

After executing the above command, copy the endpoint printed above (for example, http://localhost:25336) and use it in the simulator UI.