nRF Cloud Location Services

Cell Location Service

You can enable the cell geolocation lookup for single cells and neighboring cell reports for the application using nRF Cloud’s Cell Location Service API in your deployment.

To use the API, set the enableNrfCloudCellLocationService parameter to true and set the nrfCloudTeamId parameter to your team ID when deploying the solution.

 az deployment group create \
     --resource-group ${RESOURCE_GROUP:-nrfassettracker} \
     --mode Complete \
     --name enable-unwiredlabs \
     --template-file azuredeploy.json \
     --parameters \
         appName=${APP_NAME:-nrfassettracker} \
         storageAccountName=${STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME:-nrfassettracker} \
         appRegistrationClientId=$APP_REG_CLIENT_ID \
         b2cTenant=${B2C_TENANT:-nrfassettrackerusers} \
         keyVaultName=${APP_NAME:-nrfassettracker} \
         enableNrfCloudCellLocationService=true \
         nrfCloudTeamId=*your team ID*

This command enables the geolocateCellFromNrfCloud function to resolve cells. Otherwise, this function returns a 402 status on the API route cellgeolocation/nrfcloud.

Store the service key into the key vault as follows:

# Grant the current user set permission to the key vault secrets
USER_OBJECT_ID=`az ad signed-in-user show --query objectId -o tsv`
az role assignment create --role "Key Vault Secrets Officer"     --assignee-object-id ${USER_OBJECT_ID}     --scope /subscriptions/${SUBSCRIPTION_ID}/resourceGroups/${RESOURCE_GROUP:-nrfassettracker}/providers/Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/${APP_NAME:-nrfassettracker}

# Store the API key
az keyvault secret set --vault-name ${APP_NAME:-nrfassettracker} \
  --name nrfCloudCellLocationServiceKey \
  --file location of your Cell Location Service Key file

Assisted GPS Location Service

You can enable your devices to request assisted GPS (A-GPS) data using nRF Cloud’s Assisted GPS Location Service API in your deployment.

To use the API, set the enableNrfCloudAGPSLocationService parameter to true and set the nrfCloudTeamId parameter to your team ID when deploying the solution.

 az deployment group create \
     --resource-group ${RESOURCE_GROUP:-nrfassettracker} \
     --mode Complete \
     --name enable-unwiredlabs \
     --template-file azuredeploy.json \
     --parameters \
         appName=${APP_NAME:-nrfassettracker} \
         storageAccountName=${STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME:-nrfassettracker} \
         appRegistrationClientId=$APP_REG_CLIENT_ID \
         b2cTenant=${B2C_TENANT:-nrfassettrackerusers} \
         keyVaultName=${APP_NAME:-nrfassettracker} \
         enableNrfCloudAGPSLocationService=true \
         nrfCloudTeamId=*your team ID*

This command enables the agpsQueuedDeviceRequestsHandler function to resolve A-GPS requests from devices using the nRF Cloud Assisted GPS Location Service API.

Store the service key into the key vault as follows:

# Grant the current user set permission to the key vault secrets
USER_OBJECT_ID=`az ad signed-in-user show --query objectId -o tsv`
az role assignment create --role "Key Vault Secrets Officer"    --assignee-object-id ${USER_OBJECT_ID}    --scope /subscriptions/${SUBSCRIPTION_ID}/resourceGroups/${RESOURCE_GROUP:-nrfassettracker}/providers/Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/${APP_NAME:-nrfassettracker}

# Store the API key
az keyvault secret set --vault-name ${APP_NAME:-nrfassettracker} \
  --name nrfCloudAGPSLocationServiceKey \
  --file location of your Assisted GPS Location Service Key file

Predicted GPS Location Service

You can enable your devices to request predicted GPS (P-GPS) data using nRF Cloud’s Predicted GPS Location Service API in your deployment.

To use the API, set the enableNrfCloudPGPSLocationService parameter to true and set the nrfCloudTeamId parameter to your team ID when deploying the solution.

 az deployment group create \
     --resource-group ${RESOURCE_GROUP:-nrfassettracker} \
     --mode Complete \
     --name enable-unwiredlabs \
     --template-file azuredeploy.json \
     --parameters \
         appName=${APP_NAME:-nrfassettracker} \
         storageAccountName=${STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME:-nrfassettracker} \
         appRegistrationClientId=$APP_REG_CLIENT_ID \
         b2cTenant=${B2C_TENANT:-nrfassettrackerusers} \
         keyVaultName=${APP_NAME:-nrfassettracker} \
         enableNrfCloudPGPSLocationService=true \
         nrfCloudTeamId=*your team ID*

This command enables the pgpsQueuedDeviceRequestsHandler function to resolve P-GPS requests from devices using the nRF Cloud Predicted GPS Location Service API.

Store the service key into the key vault as follows:

# Grant the current user set permission to the key vault secrets
USER_OBJECT_ID=`az ad signed-in-user show --query objectId -o tsv`
az role assignment create --role "Key Vault Secrets Officer"    --assignee-object-id ${USER_OBJECT_ID}    --scope /subscriptions/${SUBSCRIPTION_ID}/resourceGroups/${RESOURCE_GROUP:-nrfassettracker}/providers/Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/${APP_NAME:-nrfassettracker}

# Store the API key
az keyvault secret set --vault-name ${APP_NAME:-nrfassettracker} \
  --name nrfCloudPGPSLocationServiceKey \
  --file location of your Predicted GPS Location Service Key file