Deploy the nRF Asset Tracker web application

To deploy the nRF Asset Tracker web application to AWS, complete the following steps:

  1. Clone the project and install the dependencies

  2. Configure the web application

  3. Deploy the web application

  4. Register a new user

Before starting, navigate to the working directory ~/nrf-asset-tracker.

Clone the project and install the dependencies

Clone the nRF Asset Tracker web application project and install the dependencies:

git clone --branch v2.5.x --single-branch \ web-app
cd web-app
npm ci

Configure the web application

You need to configure the web application to be able to run it with your account.

  1. The web application requires the IDs of the AWS resources that were created during the setup of the stack. Run the following command in the web-app directory to copy the output containing the IDs to the .envrc file:

    cd ../aws
    ./ web-app-config > ../web-app/.envrc
    cd ../web-app
  2. Run the following command to provide the version to the application:

    echo "export PUBLIC_VERSION=\"`git describe --tags $(git rev-list --tags --max-count=1)`\"" >> .envrc
  3. To get the variables from the .envrc file in the parent folder (~/nrf-asset-tracker), you also need to add the following entry in the .envrc file of the current web-app folder:

  4. Run the following command to allow the changed file:

    direnv allow

Example for the .envrc file

Following is an example for the contents of the .envrc file:

export PUBLIC_REGION="eu-west-1"
export PUBLIC_HISTORICALDATA_TABLE_INFO="historicalDatadb40B23029-Qzk2Jrr88tOy|historicalDatatableD9D795E1-zdSByjtTqoAE"
export PUBLIC_USER_IOT_POLICY_NAME="nrf-asset-tracker-userIotPolicy-OMYBF5CI5Q6A"
export PUBLIC_FOTA_BUCKET_NAME="nrf-asset-tracker-dfustoragebucket2cc839ff-qz8k9bslldrf"
export PUBLIC_USER_POOL_CLIENT_ID="1rh4eacmu5c5ppq2pspnq8tcu5"
export PUBLIC_USER_POOL_ID="eu-west-1_FiY6h4xjd"
export PUBLIC_IDENTITY_POOL_ID="eu-west-1:52cc8188-ec90-47d7-b3ee-634187fa6413"
export PUBLIC_WEB_APP_BUCKET_NAME="nrf-asset-tracker-webapps-webapphostingbucketc58d3c2b-1or3is1vmmq5q"
export PUBLIC_NCELLMEAS_STORAGE_TABLE_NAME="nrf-asset-tracker-ncellmeasStoragereportsTableDC3850EC-1VSHYGIIXDGMO"
export PUBLIC_CELL_GEO_LOCATION_CACHE_TABLE_NAME="nrf-asset-tracker-cellGeolocationcellGeolocationCacheF25F601F-1TX7W4QXVRZ62"
export PUBLIC_VERSION="v3.6.1"

Deploy the web application

To build and deploy the web application to the S3 bucket created while setting up the nRF Asset Tracker in your AWS account, run the following commands:

npm run build
aws s3 cp build s3://$PUBLIC_WEB_APP_BUCKET_NAME \
   --recursive --metadata-directive REPLACE \
   --cache-control 'public,max-age=600' --expires ''
aws cloudfront create-invalidation --distribution-id \
echo ""
echo "Done. Open https://$PUBLIC_WEB_APP_DOMAIN_NAME to view the web app."

After running the commands, you can open the domain name printed in PUBLIC_WEB_APP_DOMAIN_NAME in your browser to view the web application.

Register a new user


The user pool is configured to use the email address as the username.

Since there are no predefined user accounts in the user pool, you need to register a new user. Open the application in the browser.

Login form of the web application

In the login form, Click Create Account and fill in your email and a password. You will receive an email with a confirmation code that you need to enter to confirm your email address. Once you have confirmed your email address, you can login with your email address and your password.

View your device

After logging in, your device that was provisioned previously shows up in the list of assets.