

Class that provides factory methods for creating `Service`, `Characteristic` and `Descriptor` instances.


new ServiceFactory()



createCharacteristic(service, uuid, value, properties, options) → {Characteristic}

Factory method to create a characteristic in the Bluetooth `Device's` GATT attribute table.
Name Type Description
service Service The `Service` instance this characteristic is to be added to.
uuid string A 128-bit or 16-bit unique identifier for this characteristic.
value array The initial value of this characteristic.
properties Object This GATT characteristic's metadata. Available characteristic properties:
  • {boolean} broadcast: Broadcasting of the value permitted.
  • {boolean} read: Reading the value permitted.
  • {boolean} write: Writing the value with Write Request permitted.
  • {boolean} writeWoResp: Writing the value with Write Command permitted.
  • {boolean} reliableWrite: Writing the value with Queued Write operations permitted.
  • {boolean} notify: Notications of the value permitted.
  • {boolean} indicate: Indications of the value permitted.
  • {boolean} authSignedWr: Writing the value with Signed Write Command permitted.
  • {boolean} wrAux: Writing the Characteristic User Description descriptor permitted.
options Object This GATT characteristic's attribute's metadata. Available characteristic options:
  • {string} readPerm: Read permissions.
  • {string} writePerm: Write permissions.
  • {boolean} variableLength: Variable length attribute.
  • {number} maxLength: Maximum attribute value length in bytes, see ref BLE_GATTS_ATTR_LENS_MAX for maximum values.
  • {boolean} readAuth: Read authorization and value will be requested from the application on every read operation.
  • {boolean} writeAuth: Write authorization will be requested from the application on every Write Request operation (but not Write Command).
  • Note: vloc = this._bleDriver.BLE_GATTS_VLOC_STACK; // Attribute Value is located in stack memory, no user memory is required.
A newly created `Characteristic` instance.

createDescriptor(characteristic, uuid, value, options) → {Descriptor}

Factory method to create a descriptor in the Bluetooth `Device's` GATT attribute table.
Name Type Description
characteristic Characteristic The `Characteristic` instance this descriptor is to be added to.
uuid string A 128-bit or 16-bit unique identifier for this descriptor.
value array The initial value of this descriptor.
options Object This GATT descriptor's attribute's metadata. Available descriptor options:
  • {string} readPerm: Read permissions.
  • {string} writePerm: Write permissions.
  • {boolean} variableLength: Variable length attribute.
  • {number} maxLength: Maximum attribute value length in bytes, see ref BLE_GATTS_ATTR_LENS_MAX for maximum values.
  • {boolean} readAuth: Read authorization and value will be requested from the application on every read operation.
  • {boolean} writeAuth: Write authorization will be requested from the application on every Write Request operation (but not Write Command).
  • Note: vloc = this._bleDriver.BLE_GATTS_VLOC_STACK; // Attribute Value is located in stack memory, no user memory is required.
A newly created `Descriptor` instance.

createService(uuid, serviceType) → {Service}

Factory method to create a service in the Bluetooth `Device's` 'local.server' GATT attribute table.
Name Type Description
uuid string A 128-bit or 16-bit unique identifier for this service.
serviceType string The server service type. 'primary' (default) or `secondary`.
A newly created `Service` instance.