Parse scan record bytes to BleScanRecord.
The format is defined in Bluetooth 4.1 specification, Volume 3, Part C, Section 11 and 18.
All numerical multi-byte entities and values shall use little-endian byte order.
fun parseToBytes(advertiseFlag: Int, serviceUuids: List<ParcelUuid>?, serviceData: Map<ParcelUuid, DataByteArray>, serviceSolicitationUuids: List<ParcelUuid>, deviceName: String?, txPowerLevel: Int?, manufacturerSpecificData: SparseArray<DataByteArray>): ByteArray
Parse BleScanRecord fields to byte.
The format is defined in Bluetooth 4.1 specification, Volume 3, Part C, Section 11 and 18.
All numerical multi-byte entities and values shall use little-endian byte order.