
Interface representing bluetooth gatt characteristic. It's task is to hide an implementation which can be both NativeBluetoothGattCharacteristic (which is a wrapper around native Android BluetoothGattCharacteristic) or MockBluetoothGattCharacteristic. The role of an interface is to hide a detailed implementation and separate native Android BluetoothGattCharacteristic for mock variant as it can't be unit tested.



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List of descriptors of this characteristic.

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abstract val instanceId: Int

Instance id of a characteristic.

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abstract val permissions: Int

Not parsed permissions of a characteristic as Int.

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abstract val properties: Int

Not parsed properties of a characteristic as Int.

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abstract val uuid: UUID

UUID of a characteristic.

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abstract var value: DataByteArray

ByteArray value of this characteristic.

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abstract var writeType: Int

Not parsed write type of a characteristic.