
data class IntermediateCuffPressureData(@FloatRange(from = 0.0) val cuffPressure: Float, val unit: BloodPressureType, @FloatRange(from = 0.0) val pulseRate: Float? = null, @IntRange(from = 0, to = 255) val userID: Int? = null, val status: BPMStatus? = null, val calendar: Calendar? = null)


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constructor(@FloatRange(from = 0.0) cuffPressure: Float, unit: BloodPressureType, @FloatRange(from = 0.0) pulseRate: Float? = null, @IntRange(from = 0, to = 255) userID: Int? = null, status: BPMStatus? = null, calendar: Calendar? = null)


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val calendar: Calendar? = null
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val pulseRate: Float? = null
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val status: BPMStatus? = null
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val userID: Int? = null