data class DescriptorWriteRequest(val device: ClientDevice, val requestId: Int, val descriptor: IBluetoothGattDescriptor, val preparedWrite: Boolean, val responseNeeded: Boolean, val offset: Int, val value: DataByteArray) : ServerGattEvent.DescriptorEvent
A remote client has requested to write to a local descriptor.
An application must call GattServerAPI.sendResponse to complete the request.
See also
Link copied to clipboard
constructor(device: ClientDevice, requestId: Int, descriptor: IBluetoothGattDescriptor, preparedWrite: Boolean, responseNeeded: Boolean, offset: Int, value: DataByteArray)
Link copied to clipboard
Descriptor to be written to.
Link copied to clipboard
The remote device that has requested the write operation.
Link copied to clipboard
True, if this write operation should be queued for later execution.
Link copied to clipboard
True, if the remote device requires a response
Link copied to clipboard
The value the client wants to assign to the descriptor.