Package-level declarations


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Factory class responsible for creating a new instance, a copy of IBluetoothGattService.

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A helper class which handles operation which can happen on a GATT characteristic on a server side. Its main responsibility is to handle write/read/notify requests in a synchronous manner, because simultaneous calls will be ignored by Android API. It has DataByteArray value assigned which can change during communication.

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data class ServerBleGattCharacteristicConfig(val uuid: UUID, val properties: List<BleGattProperty> = emptyList(), val permissions: List<BleGattPermission> = emptyList(), val descriptorConfigs: List<ServerBleGattDescriptorConfig> = emptyList(), val initialValue: DataByteArray? = null)

A configuration class which is used as a prescription to create IBluetoothGattCharacteristic.

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A helper class which handles operation which can happen on a GATT characteristic on a server side. Its main responsibility is to handle write/read requests in a synchronous manner, because simultaneous calls will be ignored by Android API. It has DataByteArray value assigned which can change during communication.

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data class ServerBleGattDescriptorConfig(val uuid: UUID, val permissions: List<BleGattPermission>)

A configuration class which is used as a prescription to create IBluetoothGattDescriptor.

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A class which groups service's characteristic on a server side.

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data class ServerBleGattServiceConfig(val uuid: UUID, val type: ServerBleGattServiceType, val characteristicConfigs: List<ServerBleGattCharacteristicConfig>)

A configuration class which is used as a prescription to create IBluetoothGattService.

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Helper class for grouping all services available on a server.

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Class wrapping properties of BLE connection between server and it's client device.