
sealed interface ClientGattEvent

An event class which maps BluetoothGattCallback callbacks into data classes.

See also




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data class BondStateChanged(val bondState: BondState) : ClientGattEvent

This is an additional event which doesn't exist in BluetoothGattCallback. It is added here to make events complete, but the source of the emission comes from BondingBroadcastReceiver.

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Event triggered as a result of a remote characteristic notification. Note that the value within the characteristic object may have changed since receiving the remote characteristic notification, so check the parameter value for the value at the time of notification.

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Interface which groups characteristic related events.

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Event reporting the result of a characteristic read operation.

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Event indicating the result of a characteristic write operation.

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Event emitted when GATT client has connected/disconnected to/from a remote GATT server.

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Interface which groups descriptor related event.

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Event reporting the result of a descriptor read operation.

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Event indicating the result of a descriptor write operation.

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data class MtuChanged(val mtu: Int, val status: BleGattOperationStatus) : ClientGattEvent

Event indicating the MTU for a given device connection has changed. This callback is triggered in response to the BluetoothGatt.requestMtu function, or in response to a connection event.

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data class PhyRead(val txPhy: BleGattPhy, val rxPhy: BleGattPhy, val status: BleGattOperationStatus) : ClientGattEvent

Event emitted as result of BluetoothGatt.readPhy.

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data class PhyUpdate(val txPhy: BleGattPhy, val rxPhy: BleGattPhy, val status: BleGattOperationStatus) : ClientGattEvent

Event emitted as result of BluetoothGatt.setPreferredPhy, or as a result of remote device changing the PHY.

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data class ReadRemoteRssi(val rssi: Int, val status: BleGattOperationStatus) : ClientGattEvent

Event reporting the RSSI for a remote device connection. This callback is triggered in response to the BluetoothGatt.readRemoteRssi function.

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Event invoked when a reliable write transaction has been completed.

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An event indicating "service changed" event is received. Receiving this event means that the GATT database is out of sync with the remote device. BluetoothGatt.discoverServices should be called to re-discover the services.

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sealed interface ServiceEvent : ClientGattEvent

Interface which groups service related events.

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Event emitted when the list of remote services, characteristics and descriptors for the remote device have been updated, i.e. new services have been discovered.