
interface GattServerAPI

Interface around native Android API. For real BLE connections it uses BluetoothGattServer, whereas for mock device it utilizes MockEngine.


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abstract val event: SharedFlow<ServerGattEvent>

Flow which emits BLE events. For real BLE connections it collects events from BluetoothGattServerCallback under the hood, for mock device it gets events from MockEngine.


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abstract fun cancelConnection(device: ClientDevice)

Disconnects an established connection, or cancels a connection attempt currently in progress.

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abstract fun close()

Close this GATT server instance.

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abstract fun connect(device: ClientDevice, autoConnect: Boolean)

Initiate a connection to a Bluetooth GATT capable device.

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abstract fun notifyCharacteristicChanged(device: ClientDevice, characteristic: IBluetoothGattCharacteristic, confirm: Boolean, value: DataByteArray)

Send a notification or indication that a local characteristic has been updated.

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abstract fun onEvent(event: ServerGattEvent)

Internal function for propagating events to event shared flow. For internal usage only.

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abstract fun readPhy(device: ClientDevice)

Reads the current transmitter PHY and receiver PHY of the connection.

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abstract fun requestPhy(device: ClientDevice, txPhy: BleGattPhy, rxPhy: BleGattPhy, phyOption: PhyOption)

Set the preferred connection PHY for this app. Please note that this is just a recommendation, whether the PHY change will happen depends on other applications preferences, local and remote controller capabilities. Controller can override these settings.

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abstract fun sendResponse(device: ClientDevice, requestId: Int, status: Int, offset: Int, value: DataByteArray?)

Send a response to a read or write request to a remote device.