nRF Connect for Desktop

Developer documentation





NordicSemiconductor/pc-nrfconnect-docs on GitHub


In the frontend, we keep a changelog in every project.

Example for a changelog

## Unreleased
### Removed
- Preliminary instructions.

## 0.6.1 - 2021-06-30
### Fixed
- Crash on macOS when stopping trace.

## 0.6.0 - 2021-06-22
### Added
- Button in the side panel to convert trace.
### Changed
- PCAP-NG files have the file extension `.pcapng`.

The rules

We write a changelog for every version, based on Keep a Changelog. Read what is written there, it is short and to the point. Described here is only where we deviate from it or complement it.

Deviations, refinements, and additions

### Added
- Added button to convert trace.
- Added choice for the trace format.

### Fixed
- Fixed crash on stopping trace.
- Fixed wrong file size.

Instead drop the repeated Added and Fixed and write like this:

### Added
- Button to convert trace.
- Choice for the trace format.

### Fixed
- Crash on stopping trace.
- Wrong file size.

Notable changes from before

When doing a release