


npmx-zephyr provides an example of npmx library integration with the Zephyr RTOS environment. This can be used as a starting point for an integration with other RTOS or bare-metal environments.

For the user’s convenience, this repository includes also a variety of sample applications demonstrating how to use the npmx drivers. Their code is available on the GitHub npmx-zephyr repository.

Supported devices

  • nPM1300

Supported drivers

The following matrix provides a comparative overview of which drivers are supported by specific Nordic nPMs.














For more information about the features of a specific peripheral, refer to the official documentation of the specific nPM device.

How to use

Repository initialization

The recommended way to clone the repositories is by using the west tool. Information about the installation, available commands, configuration and more can be found in the Zephyr’s west tool documentation.

To initalize the npmx-zephyr repository, run the following commands:

mkdir <new_directory>
cd <new_directory>
west init -m https://github.com/NordicSemiconductor/npmx-zephyr
cd npmx-zephyr
west update

Alternatively, you can clone repositories by using git only. In this case pay special attention to revisions - both Zephyr and npmx revisions should match the ones specified in the west.yml. Moreover, the npmx folder should be placed in the zephyr/modules subdirectory.

Building and running sample application

To run one of the sample applications, do the following:

  • Configure the setup based on the relevant sample documentation.

  • Build and flash the application to the target device by using the following commands:

    cd <path_to_npmx-zephyr>/samples/<desired_sample>
    west build -b <target>
    west flash

For instance, if you want to run the LED sample for nPM1300 used with nRF52840DK, you must configure the setup as specified in the LED sample description. After that, run the following commands:

cd npmx-zephyr/samples/led
west build -b nrf52840dk_nrf52840
west flash

As a result, you should see LEDs blinking on the board.


Make sure that the ZEPHYR_BASE variable is set as a path to your Zephyr folder (the one you have cloned with west).

If not, set this variable manually with the following command:

export ZEPHYR_BASE=<path_to_zephyr_directory>

If you want to create a custom application, refer to the following guidelines: - npmx Github repository for API usage - nPM1300 documentation for the required setup configuration

Generating documentation

All files that are required to compile the Sphinx-based documentation for the npmx-zephyr repository are located under the doc folder.


Install Python 3 and its dependencies with the following command:

pip install -r scripts/requirements.txt


You can build the documentation in two ways:

  • Use the provided script doc/sphinx_build_local.sh and open the doc/build/html/index.html file to see the output.

  • Build it manually by going to the doc directory and running the following command:

    sphinx-build -M html . build