
A helper class which provides operations which can happen on a GATT characteristic. Its main responsibility is to provide write/read/notify features in a synchronous manner, because simultaneous calls will be ignored by Android API.


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Instance id of the characteristic.

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Permissions of the characteristic.

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Properties of the characteristic.

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val uuid: UUID

UUID of the characteristic.


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Finds a descriptor by UUID.

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suspend fun getNotifications(bufferSize: Int = 0, bufferOverflow: BufferOverflow = BufferOverflow.DROP_OLDEST): Flow<DataByteArray>

Enables and observes notifications/indications of the characteristic. After subscriber is closed the notifications should be disabled.

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@RequiresPermission(value = "android.permission.BLUETOOTH_CONNECT")
suspend fun read(): DataByteArray

Reads value from a characteristic and suspends for the result.

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@RequiresPermission(value = "android.permission.BLUETOOTH_CONNECT")
suspend fun splitWrite(value: DataByteArray, writeType: BleWriteType = BleWriteType.DEFAULT)

Writes bytes to a characteristic and waits for a request to finish. If value is bigger than MTU then it splits the value and send it in consecutive messages.

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@RequiresPermission(value = "android.permission.BLUETOOTH_CONNECT")
suspend fun write(value: DataByteArray, writeType: BleWriteType = BleWriteType.DEFAULT)

Writes bytes to a characteristic and waits for a request to finish.